
We lost Outlaw on Sunday Feb. 8th. He had a stroke in his sleep Saturday night. He could not move most of his body, but his head was still alert and watching. But he would not want a life paralyzed and with feeding tubes - so the doctor put him to sleep. We don't know his true age but she thinks he was at least 10.
He is buried under the arbor where he gets sun most of the day. He used to like to lie in the sun and sleep.
He leaves behind his master of 13 months and 10 days who will miss him very much. He was a good boy who never bothered anyone and was very appreciative of anything you did for him. He also leaves his assistant-master Richard who always treated him with love and respect even when Outlaw would have an occasional accident in the house. And he also leaves his big sister Katie. They fought for 6 months but then realized they were part of the same pack and became friends. He looked up to her and would always keep up with her during our walks. And she came to love him too - and gave him a kiss goodbye when he left for the vet's.
Goodbye Outlaw and thank you for everything you did.
- Mike Rampino and Richard Bell -