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Newsletter Archives (2001-2013)

- Volume XLVI, October 2013
Articles include:
- The Benefits of Multiple Pets
- Beware the Holiday Festivities and Feasts
- Shar-Pei Friendly Veterinarians
- Events
- A big THANK YOU to our Guardian Angels
- Peis looking for their furever homes
- Adopt a Shar-Pei, Foster a Shar-Pei and/or donate funds to help us continue rescuing!
- Volume XLVV, May 2013
Articles Include:
- Hot Spogs (dogs only)
- Ear infections
- Do you shop online? Check out ways to help MACSPRO simply by shopping!
- Shar-Pei Friendly Veterinarians
- Recommended Kennels
- A big THANK YOU to our Guardian Angels
- May is National Pet Month!
- Help Animals by Clicking - The Animal Rescue Site
- Adopt a Shar-Pei, Foster a Shar-Pei and/or donate funds to help us continue rescuing!
- Volume XLVIV, January 2013
- Health Article - Tapeworms
- Do you shop online? Check out ways to help MACSPRO simply by shopping!
- Thank you Guardian Angels!
- Shar-Pei Friendly Veterinarians
- Help Animals by Clicking - The Animal Rescue Site
- Adopt a Shar-Pei, Foster a Shar-Pei and/or donate funds to help us continue rescuing!
- Volume XLVIII, October 2012
Articles Include:
- Health Article - This is a "Fishy" Story
- Volume XLVII, July 2012
Articles include:
- Health Article - YOUR DOG'S HEALTH. How to Treat an Overheated Dog
- Volume XLVI, April 2012
Articles include:
- Health Article - What Is a Dog's Normal Body Temperature?
- Volume XLV, November 2011
Articles include:
- Health Article - Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome
- 10 Pet Safety Tips for the Holidays
- Volume XLIV, October 2011
Articles include:
- Health Article - Hold the Onions
- Health Article - Heartworm Prevention
- Debendale Kennel
- GoodSearch
- Please Help Us!
- The Animal Rescue Site
- VolXLIII, June 2011
Articles include:
- Bringing Your New Dog Into a New Home Environment
- Shar Pei and Mucin
- Do you remember these Pei?
- I-Give
- Please Help Us!
- Volume XLII, March 2011
Articles include:
- Bringing Your New Dog Into a New Home Environment
- Shar Pei and Mucin
- Do you remember these Pei?
- I-Give
- Please Help Us!
- Volume XLI, November 2010
Articles include:
- FSF in Peis
- Ways to help MACSPRO
- Volume XL, August 2010
Articles include:
- Resuscitation (CPR and Rescue Breathing)
- A Pet's 10 Commandments
- Canine Influenza Update
- Volume XXXIX, April 2010
Articles include:
- The Human End of the Leash
- Must Read Heartworm Article
- Volume XXXVIII, December 2009
Articles include:
- Holiday Stress on our Peibies
- Benefits of Salmon Oil
- Fearful or Aggressive?
- Shar-Pei and Hyaluronan
- Volume XXXVII, September 2009
Articles include:
- MACSPRO Yardsale and Raffle Recap
- The 2009 Animal Rescue Site $100,000 Shelter+ Challenge - together with
- Your Dog is Not Eating -- Alarm or Being Picky?
- A Couple of New Products That Are Noteworthy
- Volume XXXVI, March 2009
Articles include:
- MACSPRO Raffle and Barbecue
- Second Annual Yard Sale
- Donate a Bag a Month
- MSM -- The Wonder Supplement
- Ammerican Red Cross Dog and Cat First Aid Training
- Ten Reasons to Feel Lucky for Your Dog
- Volume XXXV, October 2008
Articles include:
- October is Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month
- MACSPRO Benefit Yard Sale
- Animal Advocates Walk for Paws and the Animal Welfare Fall Foliage Walk
- Opportunities to help MACSPRO
- Halloween Safety
- Mucinosis
- Bloat Refresher
- Volume XXXIV, May 2008
Articles include:
- Allergies and What You Can Do to Help Your Dog
- Yep,AnotherArticle on Skin- Biotin Deficiency
- Tick and Fleas " Tis the Season/li>
- Is Your Dog " Bored Out of His Mind"?
- And Just for Kicks and Giggles...
- Volume XXXIII, February 2008
Articles include:
- Skin Issues
- Skin Problems -- A General Tutorial
- MRSA -- Deadly for Dogs and Humans/li>
- Why We Rescue
- In Memory
- Volume XXXII, November 2007
Articles include:
- Bloat is a Killer of the Shar-Pei
- Holiday Stress: Does it Affect Your Dog Too?
- A Retrospective
- Volume XXXI, September 2007
Articles include:
- Dog CPR Classes
- First Aid Kit for Dogs
- The Benefit of Using Coconut Oil in Your Dog's Diet
- Chronic Ear Problems
- Pet Obesity
- Healthy Dog Treat Recipes
- The History of the Chinese Shar Pei
- Volume XXX, June 2007
Articles include:
- Heartworm: What the Treatment is Like
- Some Myths About Heartworms
- Heatstroke Warning Signs and Treatment
- Human Foods that are Poisonous to Your Dog
- Sweetner Poisonous to Your Dog
- 16 Common Dog Myths
- Volume XXIX, March 2007
Articles include:
- Chamomile for your dog
- Vaccinosis - A "new" condition brought on by over vaccinating our pets
- Flea Allergy - a Natural Approach to Helping Solve the Problem
- Jealous Dogs: How to Prevent a Green Pooch
- 10 Excuses for Your Dog's Bad Manners
- Volume XXVIII, October 2006
Articles include:
- Food - The Foundation of Good Health
- First Aid for Pets
- Skin Saver Cocktail
- Basic Salve Recipe
- Using Milk Thistle Seed to Help Your Pet
- Holiday Pet Safety
- Volume XXVII, July 2006
Articles include:
- Shar Pei Fever
- New Principles of Immunology -- Current Recommendations for Dogs
- Volume XXVI, December 2005
Articles include:
- Canine Influenza
- Cancer News
- Katrina Report
- How to Successfully Integrate Your New Family Member into Your Home
- Volume XXV, August 2005
Articles include:
- Another Victory for the Animals
- Cutaneous Mucinosis
- Can Dogs Get Sunburned?
- Would You Consider Fostering a Dog?
- Law and Order
- Support Legislation to Close Down Puppy Mills
- Do You Have an Animal With Special Medical Needs?/li>
- Volume XXIV, May 2005
Articles include:
- Time for Heartworm Testing
- Stress -is your dog feeling it?
- Bloat is a Killer of the Shar-Pei
- Shar-Pei Fever, Swollen Hock Syndrome and Amyloidosis (reprint)
- Volume XXIII, December 2004
Articles include:
- Health Tips
- It's NOT the Law
- Volume XXII, October 2004
Articles include:
- Health Tips
- Doggie Dictionary
- Volume XXI, July 2004
Articles include:
- Separation Anxiety in Dogs
- Solutions for Separation Anxiety
- Can Whole Foods Help Your Dog?
- Demodectic Mange
- Volume XX, December 2003
Articles include:
- Familial Shar-Pei Fever, Swollen Hock Syndrome and Systemic Amyloidosis
- T-Touch Therapy
- Volume XIX, September 2003
Articles include:
- Separation Anxiety in Dogs
- Raw Food Diet in Dogs
- Cancer in Shar-Pei
- Volume XVII, February 2003
Articles include:
- Can You Spot a Cranky Canine?
- Basic Training
- Selecting the Right Bone for Your Dog
- Volume XVII, November 2002
Articles include:
- Protein - A Necessary Ingredient In Your Dog's Diet
- Things Are Getting Better Every Day
- The Invisible Fence
- Volume XVI, May 2002
Articles include:
- The Origins of Cancer
- Possible New Treatment For Swollen Hock & Shar-Pei Fever
- Volume XV, February 2002
Articles include:
- Volume XIV, October 2001
Articles include:
- Pet Massage for Injured and Elderly Dogs
- Possible New Treatment For Swollen Hock & Shar-Pei Fever
- Glaucoma in Older Dogs
- Anti-Freeze -- It's Poison
- How to Baby Proof Your Pet
- Volume XIII, June 2001
Articles include:
- Mucinosis
- Masticatory Myositis
- Volume XII, February 2001
Articles include:
- Dental Care
- D.C. Animal Shelter inspects Dumfries Animal Hospital