Aldo (#548-15)

She says: Aldo is the sweetest and friendliest dog you can find. He was happy to be petted and behaved beautifully. He is loving and lovable!
Aldo is doing very well. He's obviously very happy here in Annapolis, Maryland. He loves to go for long walks with Nina in the evening and visit to Chesapeake Bay. He's always on the alert for a squirrel, fox, or raccoon to chase.
Aldo would probably set the world record for speed eating his breakfast and dinner. He eats the entire bowl in 15-20 seconds and there's no way to slow him down.
He loves sitting in front of the patio door and enjoying the afternoon son. He is very calm around other people or other dogs. In our neighborhood, a very long peninsula, there are always, joggers, walkers, or other people walking their dogs. Aldo as always courteous enough to acknowledge them, but never pounces, barks, or appears to threaten anyone. He has already become a favorite in the community.
Fortunately he loves his crate and while we are home he has the run of the house, but normally just relaxes in his crate with the door open and watches what everyone is doing. He'll come running out, however, if he suspects there's the possibility of a treat.
We love him.
Update (12/2015): Holiday greetings from Aldo--
Please thank everyone in your respective organizations for what you have done for me this past year. It's been a wild ride from last Christmas to this year's holiday, but I am in my forever home, with people that love me, and I love them.
I could never have imagined when I was back in Puerto Rico (and only able to speak Spanish) that I could be a crime-fighter dog in Annapolis, Maryland (first capitol of the US), learning English, and having hundreds of squirrels outside my front door to entertain me. I have people that love me, and I love them, and get plenty of long walks and frequent treats. Although I never told anyone I had several spots where I was in pain, those now have gone away as well.
I have my special spot on the couch where I can sit between my Mom and Pop, and if they drop anything good I am there to scoop it up.