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Register MACSPRO as your charity online through and shop in more than 900 stores. MACSPRO will get a donation for every purchase. When you search the web through, we get a penny for every search. The iGive Mall features over 900 trusted online retailers like, Staples, Nordstrom, JCPenney,, Barnes & Noble, QVC and PETsMART to name just a few! You'll NEVER pay more when you reach these stores through Plus, if you take advantage of the coupons and free shipping deals posted at iGive, you might even save a few bucks!
Even if you do not buy anything on line, please sign up on iGive and list your charity as Mid Atlantic Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue Operation, Rockville, MD. Just for signing up (at no expense to you), MACSPRO will get a $5.00 donation.